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Baptism & Holy Communion


We believe that baptism is an essential step in the life of a believer, symbolizing their identification with Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. It signifies their decision to follow Jesus and publicly declare their faith in Him.

We believe Baptism is seen as an act of obedience to Christ's command and example. It is an individual choice made by a believer, fully conscious of their decision to follow Jesus and live a life devoted to Him.

We believe the preferred mode of baptism in the Baptist tradition, representing the complete immersion in water, symbolizing the believer's union with Christ in His death and resurrection.

We believe Baptism is not considered a means of salvation in the Baptist belief. It is understood as an outward sign of an inward change that has already taken place in the believer's heart through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe Baptism is also seen as a public proclamation of one's faith, serving as a powerful testimony to others about the transformative work of Christ in their life. It is a joyous celebration within the Baptist community, welcoming new believers into the family of faith.

Holy Communion

We believe that Holy Communion symbolizes the remembrance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It is a powerful reminder of His love, grace, and the forgiveness of sins that He offers to all who believe in Him.

We believe, Holy Communion is a symbolic act rather than a sacrament. It serves as a tangible representation of the spiritual nourishment and sustenance that believers receive through their faith in Christ.

We Believe The bread and the cup used during Holy Communion represent the body and blood of Jesus. While they do not physically transform, they are powerful symbols of Christ's presence among His followers.

We Believe Holy Communion as a deeply personal and individual act of faith. Each believer is encouraged to examine their heart, seek forgiveness, and approach the table with a sincere and repentant spirit.


We Believe Holy Communion is seen as a communal act of worship and unity within the Baptist community. It serves as a reminder that believers are part of the body of Christ, sharing a common faith and purpose in serving Him and one another.

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